10 November 2010

FREE Curriculum

While reading a lesson in the history book, I came across an article telling about the beginning of Montgomery Wards and Sears. What caught my attention was that teachers of yore (had to use that word, it's been so long) used the catalogs to teach Language Arts and Math. Much of the time it was the only book available. So I pondered that and realized you really *can* teach from catalogs--which are FREE by the DOZENS!
I got kinda excited about it. Think of the possibilities: letters/sounds, numbers, addition, subtraction, percents, ad writing, taxes, lists....on and on I could go. The really cool thing is you can get a catalog of stuff your kid loves the most. So I need a horse catalog (well, she may have to suffice with horse *stuff*), legos, and building supplies.
Really, you could do the whole year's curriculum (especially LA and Math) from catalogs. And the best part is: it's FREE. :oD

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