16 April 2013

Life (Re)Adjusted

For the past 3+ years, my focus has been off. Life has overtaken me and consumed my scope of vision. I just was dealing with more than I knew how to handle. Yes, I know He's the One who sustains me during trials, and HE DID, but I lost sight of how I'm supposed to be living in regards to my husband.
When my husband came home from Germany, things were different. He was different. I was different. I don't think you can go through extended separation(s) without it changing you--sometimes for the good, sometimes the bad. Hurts can be accentuated; healing can be long-coming. But God. (I had to steal it Sarah.)
This weekend, I met up with the most wonderful bunch of ladies. Most of us had never met in 3D before, right Tiff? Now, I know you're not supposed to run off and meet up with random people you met online, and I would kill severely disable any of my children who tried. But...this was a unique group. And we do know each other because we meet up EVERY. SINGLE. DAY on Facebook to talk and share our lives! But I digress.
I just had the most wonderful, amazing, Bible reading, praise singing, uplifting, encouraging, awesome weekend. And God smacked me on the head a few times. Over the weekend I had several opportunities to brag on my husband...and not just about his incredibly cute dimples.
That's when I got a big, fat lump beat on the top of my head. (Don't worry, it was metaphorical.) God gently, subtly, unceremoniously reminded me that it is those good qualities that I am supposed to be focusing on. My husband is an incredible man, and not just because he does the laundry, cleans the kitchen, takes care of the pasture and animals and vehicles, and a huge list of other things. He also has some amazing gifts from God, and I've not been supporting his gifts or encouraging him to hone them. And I've been wrong. So starting today, I'm making it a priority to uplift my husband. I'm striving this month to become (or at least attempt to be) a Proverbs 31 wife. To help move me in that direction, I'm participating in the Nehemiah Challenge. For the next 30 days, I will be joining an ever-widening circle of praying people; people who are expecting Him to perform miracles and reveal His truth to us. So join me! What's your prayer focus going to be?


  1. This is awesome!!! Can I tap tap tap tap tap it!?!?!? :-D I'm rejoicing with you!!

    1. Tap away, my friend! ;) Wait, just so long as it's your right shoulder. ;)
